"Scooby Dooby Doo where are you" Easton has officially made it through his third Halloween, I will say this year has been the hardest yet, however his first Halloween he was only a month old and slept the whole time and last year he still wasn't quite sure what was going on. This year on the other hand all he wanted to be was a puppy but when it came to putting on the costume it was a bit of a war but once he realized he got free candy for wearing it he was all for it. He had a blast this year, he still can't quite say "trick or treat" so he would just point to his bucket and say "please" and then he would skip to the next house. He probably went to 7 or 8 houses but he made a killing, so yeah for mommy and daddy. I was so proud of my guy he made it though the whole night and visting 3 set of friends without crying or whining at all, he was a trooper. So now we have a whole year to think of costumes for next year and now we move on to my favorite part of the year... Christmas.
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