Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Weekend

On Sat. Easton and I got to go with some friends to their employers Christmas carnival, we had the best time ever. Easton got to see Santa Claus (mommy had to sit in because he wasn't going to do it alone) he also got to go on a sleigh ride and pet a bunch of animals not to mention getting his face and hair painted plus a bunch of crafts and games. It was the most amazing event ever so thank you Jess and Tina for letting us come along. Well Christmas is just around the corner and we are no where near ready but I am excited for next week.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Month in Review...

So November was a busy month which left no time for blogging as you can see. We had a couple fun outings which included going to Macy's 8th floor to see the Santa's helpers display and we also went to our local towns holiday kick off. We spent a lot of time in the past few weeks doing alot around the house, we finished the basement and I finally painted Easton's room so now it is officially no longer a nusery. Which is a somewhat bad because as most of you already know we have a 2nd baby on the way. Granted I have untill May to figure out a new theme that works for both kids but it still makes for a lot of work. Needless to say we are stoked for the new baby we still have to wait 5 weeks untill we can find out what we are having but my gut feeling is telling me I am having a boy...

We had an awesome Thanksgiving this year, we hosted it at our house and Wade made the most amazing dinner with of course no help from me. Other then that we are so busy this month between Christmas shopping and Holiday parties it is leaving us with little free time. Which is great for me because the faster the next 5 months go the happier I will be. Here are some pictures that we have recently taken of the little man.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

"Scooby Dooby Doo where are you" Easton has officially made it through his third Halloween, I will say this year has been the hardest yet, however his first Halloween he was only a month old and slept the whole time and last year he still wasn't quite sure what was going on. This year on the other hand all he wanted to be was a puppy but when it came to putting on the costume it was a bit of a war but once he realized he got free candy for wearing it he was all for it. He had a blast this year, he still can't quite say "trick or treat" so he would just point to his bucket and say "please" and then he would skip to the next house. He probably went to 7 or 8 houses but he made a killing, so yeah for mommy and daddy. I was so proud of my guy he made it though the whole night and visting 3 set of friends without crying or whining at all, he was a trooper. So now we have a whole year to think of costumes for next year and now we move on to my favorite part of the year... Christmas.

Friday, October 31, 2008


In the news this week it was reported that a one of the most vicious criminals of her time by the name of Heather Tacheny was found and captured early morning on Oct. 31st by Sergeant Natalie Tressler. Tressler found Tacheny and beat her until she gave up all her information, they say it was one of the best captures in a long time but most importantly people can rest easy now knowing there is one less fugitive on the streets.

All in good fun Natalie and I dressed up for our annual costume contest at work. The good news is Officer Tressler came in first and Fugitive Tacheny won the most humorous. Gotta Love Halloween.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Easton & Chikito

My sister Bre recently got a new Chihuahua named Chikito or Chiki for short. Easton and him have become fast friends. Easton loves the small puppy but his heart still belongs to his dog Bryer. Although Chiki is really small and cute he had me thinking about another puppy for a split second until I came to my senses and remembered my huge lovable four legged first born Bryer and I was fine. Easton spent Saturday night at his grandma and grandpa Yoo's (my parents) so he got to spend lots of time with Chiki and Puck and Blue my parents dogs. It was relaxing weekend we spent time at home as a family doing what Wade loves to to the most and that's watch the Minnesota Gopher hockey team and eat Carbonni's pizza. PS the Gophers swept the Husky's GOOO Minnesota!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Tacheny's

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Weekend Update

So this last weekend was pretty relaxing. Friday night we ordered almost everything off the Fong's menu (best Chinese food in town) and relaxed at home with good a food and a movie. Saturday Wade and I went to the Home and Patio show at the convention center, it was fun get out together and we found some hardwood floors we love. Then we headed to Arbor Lake in Maple Grove and ate lunch and Biaggi's and did some shopping, I love their outdoor mall it is so nice. We had the chance to spend the day together alone which doesn't happen very often so thank you "Papa Bob" for watching Easton. Sunday was the best day ever I laid in my bed for a better part of the day catching up on all my Tivo'd shows, it was awesome.
Easton had the chance to spend the day with his aunt NE NE on Mon. She spoils him rotten, he had the best day at the park and she took him to his very first movie. They went and saw Beverly Hills Chihuahua because he loves puppies. I was a little worried but he did amazing and loved it, I am so proud of my little guy.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Easton's Birthday

We celebrated Easton's 2nd birthday last weekend with a big party, he got to play see a lot of friends and family and got to jump in a big bounce house, and received a truck load of gifts. It was a beautiful day and so much fun. THANK YOU to everyone who came and thank you for the gifts he received. People always tell you that raising kids goes by fast and they weren't kidding I know he is only 2 but it feels like he was just born yesterday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Easton's day at the Zoo!!!

Easton's aunt Ne Ne (Jeanne) took him to the MN Zoo on Wed. for his birthday, he was spoiled by her as usual. He had a great day and was very excited to come home and tell mommy and daddy all the animals he saw and the noises they make. He is very lucky boy to have all his aunts and uncles that spoil him rotten. Not to mention is grandparents who are coming from AZ to see him for his birthday. We have all been a little under the weather lately but were going to tough it out for his 2nd birthday party on Saturday.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Golf Outing

This weekend I went golfing with the Integra crew, even though I am an awful golfer and it's early on a Sat. morning it's a lot of fun. Natalie and I rented a cart this year which was so worth it even though it's only a small 9 hole course it just makes it more fun. I definitely need to practice more I have no golfing skills what so ever. Natalie however came out on top winning the championship trophy, it didn't hurt that her partner Max was awesome. At least I didn't come in last this year like I did last year, however I did get the "frog award" for hitting my ball in the water the most times. It was a great time, we're definitely lucky to get to work with some really fun people.